PrairieCon is Tomorrow!

May 25, 2023

PrairieCon Starts tomorrow! The doors open at noon, gaming starts at 1 pm!

There are a few last minute items that we wanted to cover:

The hallway is open from Canad to the Keystone!

We were able to confirm that the hallway will be open between Canad Inns and the Curling Lounge, so you do not have to walk all the way around! The hallway will be open from 6 am to 12:30 am each day.

We still need a few volunteers!

We still need a few volunteers to fill a few slots! If you have a few free hours over the weekend, reach out to or find a red-shirt over the weekend.

The Auction!

The auction will be upstairs this year, don’t forget to submit your items as early as possible. Visit the auction page to download the forms, we will also have some available at the convention.

Raffle Draw Times

We didn’t communicate the raffle very well last year, we’ll do better this year!

We will do the raffle draw at 1:00 pm on Sunday! If you have your name and contact written on the ticket, then you do not have to be present when the draw is made. Otherwise if we draw a number and nobody claims it, we will draw again. So please put your name on all tickets to make sure you don’t miss out.

The Registration System will Be Back Online

Just a reminder that if you want to rearrange your games at the con, you can do so on your phone on the registration site at

Reminder to eat some food!

We don’t have your traditional lunch slots and times, so be sure to take a break and get some food and drink into you, so you can keep your wits sharp and keep on gaming!