PrairieCon cancelled for 2021

Mar 29, 2021

Hi all!

You’ve been asking, and we’ve been deciding, so here’s the skinny: we will not be hosting a PrairieCon gaming convention in the summer of 2021. We aren’t happy either. However, we feel really confidant about being able to put on a great event in 2022, and Andy has a 3D printer that has been running non-stop for months now, so there might even be weird and exciting things to come from that!

At this time, we are tentatively expecting to run an early winter Gamesday, but it will all depend on gathering limits and the state of the pandemic. It might end up being a mid-winter Gamesday. We do expect to gather in a flock at some point before June 2022, so keep an eye out for announcements!

Thank you to all our participants who have been asking about the event and showing us their love, to all of our regular GMs whom we will be keeping on a list and contacting as soon as we are able, and to our regular sponsors for making curbside shopping available so we can game at home. We can’t wait to see you all in the summer of 2022!

Your PrairieCon Organizing Committee