The Spring GamesDay is the last GamesDay before PrairieCon!

PrairieCon GamesDays are fun free events where anyone can come by and drop in to play some tabletop games.

They are very casual open-gaming events with no scheduling or slots. If you see an open spot at a table just ask if you can join in! Or if you’re unsure of where to go ask someone at the canteen and we’ll do our best to help you get into a game.

Bring any kind of game you want provided it’s family-friendly. GamesDays usually see more board games than other types of games but people have run RPGs in the past and also miniature skirmish and war games. Nothing is off the table!

If you have any questions reach out to

See you there!

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  • Date : March 22, 2025
  • Time : 12:00 pm - 10:00 pm (America/Winnipeg)
  • Venue : 529 – 4th Street, Brandon MB