Last minute info for PrairieCon XXXVIII attendees!

Jun 1, 2017

Last minute info for PrairieCon XXXVIII attendees!

A reminder for anyone attending on Friday afternoon that it’s a regular business day for the college and parking is restricted. An area will be set aside for PriaireCon attendees, probably in the southwest corner of the lot (see map below), with signage indicating it is reserved for us. Parking anywhere else in the college parking before 4:30pm could get a ticket, which would be a lousy way to start of the convention. After 4:30 and for the rest of the weekend, parking is free everywhere on the parking lot.

Registration and gaming for slots 1 and 2 (Friday afternoon) will be in the gymnasium. After 5pm and for the rest of the weekend, registration will be set up in the cafeteria.

If you’re a smoker, please respect that the only places ACC allows smoking is in the smoking areas outside the doors marked with a white “S” on a grey square on the map below.